Madness and the Film, whose brilliant Scrapbook EP we reviewed a few weeks ago, have released a brand new song, ‘Confessions and a Heart Strain’, in what we hope is just one of many new releases from the transatlantic duo.
With their Scrapbook EP being released back in May, it’s exciting to hear something new from Madness and the Film, and oh it’s a gooden. After listening to ‘Confessions and a Heart Strain’ once before having to rush out, I found myself humming something whilst paving the streets and trying to figure out exactly what it was. With one listen and a couple hours I realised I was already singing “You’re my saviour, all that I want is you,” and it hasn’t really left my head since.
The new song features all of the same great qualities from the songs of the Scrapbook EP: strong songwriting and lyrics, great vocals with lovely blended harmonies (possibly our favourite thing about the band), and flowing instrumental melodies. It’s nice to see though, that while Madness and the Film’s progression into new music with ‘Confessions and a Heart Strain’ holds the same great qualities of old, it also has important defining qualities that set the song apart in its own right – this is no carbon copy of what we’ve already heard before. With the two on acoustic guitars, it’s also interesting to hear how well David and Caroline play in more of a live situation, and we could really do with jumping into a TARDIS to spin into the future and catch one of their live shows. Not getting too ahead of ourselves though, this song is an exciting new step for the band and we’re very much looking forward to hearing more new music in the near future!
Until then, a little bird told us that another exciting release is on the way from the band, so make sure to check back for updates on that soon!
Here’s Madness and the Film‘s new song, ‘Confessions and a Heart Strain’:
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