Holding an Oxegen Festival appearance under their belt, as well as a sold out Whelans show, Dublin Indie Rockers TouchWood have recently stormed their way through to the final of Red Bull Bedroom Jam.
I caught up with this talented four-piece before they took to the stage at the Voodoo Lounge, Dublin.
You guys are about to play a set at the Voodoo Lounge in Dublin with Ryan O’Shaughnessy and a few other acts- How are you feeling about it?
Sam: Yeah, can’t wait! It should be a really good gig, we’re expecting a pretty big crowd so we’re really excited about it.
Do you get nervous before gigs?
Sam: Only busking. That’s the only thing I get nervous before. [Any pre-gig rituals; routines to settle the nerves?!] Yeah, I just go away from everybody- sit in the corner and be miserable for about a half an hour!
This gig should have a pretty chilled atmosphere. What’s your favourite gig you’ve played to date?
Sam: It was Oxegen, but we played at the Regatta there last week and it was one of those gigs where we weren’t expecting to be noticed, and the place was just bouncing! It was like Ibiza Rocks, but in Dublin!
Michael: Our EP launch as well.
One thing we have to talk about is the Red Bull Bedroom Jam, which you were massively successful in. That must feel amazing?
Sam: Yeah, that was great. We’re in the final now on the 29th of August in Whelans. We got a lot of exposure from it and learned a lot about Social Media as well.
Has there been a stand out moment in your music career?
Sam: We’ve had a few!
Cappy: That’s a good complaint!
Sam: We were on Coldplay’s website with our first music video.
Bryan: Playing Oxegen would have definitely been up there.
Michael: EP Launch as well, because we finally had our first EP to hand out and stuff!
Sam: And we sold out Whelans as well.
How did the band come about in the first place? Were you all friends beforehand or what sparked it?
Sam: No- Myself, Cappy and Bryan went to college together in Ballyfermot, and they have a showcase every year for bands and singer/songwriters in the college. So, Cappy came and asked me did I want to be in a band and we played a few songs together and decided to take it seriously because it was going really well. Then we got Michael in on drums and it went from there.
So with the final of Red Bull Bedroom Jam coming up, you’ll obviously be very busy. Have you any major plans you can reveal to us?! Any festivals, gigs, recording?
Sam: Well, we’re playing at Castlepalooza and Indiependence. We’ve a load of gigs coming up really, it’s hard to keep track of them all really. August is going to be really busy for us.
Great! Well, best of luck with everything, and the show tonight.
Sam: Nice one! No problem- Cheers!
Keep up to date with TouchWood on Facebook & Twitter.
You can find Photos from TouchWood’ set at the VooDoo Lounge by clicking HERE.