Interview: Fourth Diamond Clothing

Fourth Diamond Clothing took my eye immediately when I came across their website on the interweb. Creating a brand  surrounded by an extreme sport culture that struggles to get the recognition it deserves this side of the pond, is a mean feat to say the least. Infusing style and pop culture these guys are going to keep skating alive in 2013 Britain. I caught up with them to find out their plans and for you all to get a little bit of backstory so you will help with their mission.
So guys, how did Fourth Diamond start?

Back in January 2012 Jacob and Ben were at a house party. Where they started a drinking game using a deck of cards. Jake asked Ben what card would be on the top of the deck and Ben said ‘The Four of Diamonds’, he was right. They thought it was too much of a coincidence and decided they needed to do something with it.  As they’re both skateboarders they thought they would start a skateboarding brand called ‘Fourth Diamond’. The next day they came to see me, (I’m Jacobs’s younger brother), and asked if I would like to be part of building the company. From there, I involved my good friend and graphic designer, David Bongard. And then we started.

You’ve got a really unique style, what inspired it?

It has really been Dave’s involvement that has made our ‘style’. We asked him to help create an image for the company. When we first started working with him we had loads of ideas for logos, designs, slogans, everything.  All of them were pretty basic. Except one, which Dave took a liking too. However, when Dave designs something, it has to be from scratch so he took the basic idea and made it a thousand times better and cleaner. He then came back to us with a website design, T-Shirt designs and deck designs. Everything was perfect. From then on, he became Fourth Diamonds Head Graphic Designer. As for specifics on Fourth Diamonds style or design, we just like to make products that we would be happy to own.

I see Fourth Diamond is a firm supporter of skateboard culture, what started this?

From the beginning, the whole idea of Fourth Diamond was to be a skateboarding brand. Once we really started this we began to look for meaning. What would make it different to all of the other companies? So we stood back and looked at our own lives and how we could have been helped as young skateboarders. The answer was simple. No one ever really got involved, tried to push us or provide anywhere for us to push ourselves. There’s our answer. We don’t want to be a company that just produces branded products and sells them to the masses, claiming to be a skateboarding brand. All we want is to do is get out there, get involved and help progress skateboarding and skateboarders first hand. The products are more of a mark of respect that people can wear, to show they support Fourth Diamond. As long as we are inspiring everyone we can to get on a skateboard and enjoy themselves, whether they’re just cruising to the shops and back or aiming to be a Pro, we will be proud. Giving skateboarders something to be part of is what matters. That’s where our slogan ‘Join The Family’ comes from. We want to make everyone feel welcome and a part of our team.


Which piece are you most proud of out of the latest range?

We are proud of everything we have produced. We have gone to town on quality and made sure that everything is perfect. If we weren’t proud of something we wouldn’t use it. However we are all insanely proud of the FD Origin Boards. They are the first decks to be released and like all of our products, we have sourced the best quality materials possible. They’re 100% Hard Rock Canadian Maple and have a really nice concave. A couple of people have won them in our Pre-Launch competitions and they have come back to us really happy with the boards. That’s what you want to hear. That the people are loving it.

If Fourth Diamond had the chance to collaborate with any celebrity/band who would you choose?

There are loads of people we would love to collaborate with, whether we will get the chance to is a different matter. Working with anyone that actively wants to support and progress skateboarding would be perfect. DC shoes would be the dream. As for bands, if they are up for doing a gig on a massive skateboard we will take anyone.  We would love to collaborate with Hopsin. He can skate.

What is the plan for the future for Fourth Diamond?

We are just getting ready for our website launch coming in the next few months and after that its all about the skateboarding. We have a few events this year that still need a lot more planning but are definitely going to be worth it. As well as that we will be touring the country and finding skateparks and skate spots we think people need to hear about.

Anything else you would like to add?

We are sponsoring an event within Essex called ‘Lords of the Swords’. It’s an amazing event run by a Chelmsford based skateboarder. It runs from the 23rd to the 25th of August and is comprised of loads of different skate spots around Essex. No matter where you are in Essex you can get involved. You just need a team of up to 6 skateboarders to join. So if you haven’t already, go and check it out and get involved. You won’t regret it.

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