Review: Game of Thrones: Season 4 – Episode 5
We’re now half way through Season 4 and many of the plot lines are beginning to take shape. Read on to see what I thought of episode 5: First of….
We’re now half way through Season 4 and many of the plot lines are beginning to take shape. Read on to see what I thought of episode 5: First of….
Things are getting tense again in Game of Thrones. Read on for my review of episode 4: Oathkeeper. Spoilers within The episode opens with an awesome scene in which Daenerys….
Following the aftermath of last week’s shocker, Westeros is shaken up again. Read on for my review of episode 3: Breaker of Chains. As always this review contains spoilers Episode….
Another wedding, another insane episode of Game of Thrones. Read on for my review of episode 2: The Lion and the Rose. Warning: Major spoilers to follow. Do not read….
It’s felt like the longest winter in Westeros waiting for Game of Thrones, but it’s finally back and here is my review of episode 1: Two Swords. A word of….
All men must die. There couldn’t be a truer tagline for the cruellest, most brutal and unpredictable show on television. The days are trickling by painfully slowly but the Game….
Following recent speculation concerning 2014’s Assassin’s Creed game(s), Ubisoft have released a first trailer for Assassin’s Creed: Unity, and it’s set during the French revolution. That’s right, there are guillotines,….
He is an artist who has been under the radar since 2011’s Bangarang, but now Sonny Moore, AKA Skrillex is taking a shot at the mainstream with his debut studio….
And THAT is why The Walking Dead has won countless game of the year awards. Holy damn was that an intense episode. So now that a lot of characters have….
Episode 2 of Telltale’s award-winning series is currently rolling out, but here’s a retrospective review of Episode 1: All That Remains. So the story of season 1 is over but….