Whale & More Whale, the immaculate brain child of Berkshire born musician Jake Alder. A long time coming, Whale & More Whale has saw Jake able to find his own musical feet.
I have to admit, I have quite heavy of knowledge about the project because I filmed the promotional videos for his E.P’s. I have to say though, this guy knows what he’s doing, he knows what he wants and he knows how he’s going to get there. I had to share with you all this talented artist, so you all can give him likes, follow him, tweet him, up vote him, reblog him whatever. In return I heard he might make you all peppermint tea to say thank you.
So how did Whale & More Whale get started?
I am in this 2 piece band called Square Figures and had songs that I felt had potential but just didn’t suit a two piece and didn’t suit our style so instead of getting rid of them I decided to put them to good use thus the creation of Whale & More Whale which has enabled me to experiment with different instrumentation.
What has been the influences behind the creation of the Whale & More Whale style?
It ranges from singer songwriters like Jeff Mangum from Neutral Milk Hotel who is able to write amazing songs with just a voice and a guitar to Jonsi from Sigur Ros whose voice and use of guitars and drums make an epic sound that blows me away every time I listen. Then I am majorly influenced by Thom Yorke’s solo stuff, Atoms for Peace. His glitch like drums fascinates me and wanted to do something similar. I have tried to bring both clean electronic styles along with loose drums and guitar to create my own noise!
What has been the your greatest achievement so far?
I have just released a video for my first single ‘Worry Not’ it’s a big step for me as I have never done one before and my good friend Dave Hudson helped me out film it and he has done a great job with it!
Why should people check Whale & More Whale out?
I hope it can uplift people. I want to make the biggest sound possible that will have everyone holding onto his or her seats wanting more. In my head this is all do-able!
What are your plans for 2013?
A few more singles and videos will be released to entertain everyone and I’m currently still recording a few more songs for another EP, and a potential album is in the works ready for later this year but this is all top secret of course…
Watch the video for Worry Not, Taken from Whale & More Whale’s first E.P ‘Balen’:
Listen to Balen HERE for FREE:
[soundcloud params=”auto_play=false&show_comments=true&color=0ac4ff”]https://soundcloud.com/whale-more-whale[/soundcloud]
Follow Whale & More Whale:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WhaleAndMoreWhale
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Whale_MoreWhale