Following the release of his second EP ‘Let It Go’, James Bay is gaining momentum in his musical journey, performing an extremely well received set at Barn on the Farm, going on to perform at British Summertime in Hyde Park (yesterday).
We had a little chat with James while sheltering in a car from a typical festival shower at Barn on the Farm…
You’re set to play Barn on the Farm later – are you excited for that?
I am indeed! It’s my second time. I was here last year, it was quite a last minute thing, I played in the little tent with the cakes – the third stage! That was fun. I hadn’t heard of the festival or anything ’cause it’s still pretty new, and I kind of love it, it’s really cool! It’s quite literally a barn… on a farm… and they hold a festival in it! I really like it, it’s so nice to be invited back.
How does it feel to be upgraded to the Second Stage now then!?
It’s an honour. It’s definitely an honour. I remember I saw George Ezra, who I know a little bit, he played last year on the Second Stage and it was cool. The set up in there is nice so yeah, it’s gonna be fun.
Obviously with your two EPs out now, people will be quite familiar with your stuff. What do you plan to include in your set or how do you decide?
I actually decided today with that in mind that I’ll spread songs across the two EPs and then I think there’s one or two new ones. ‘Cause I’ve also been working on an album lately which is on the way so there’ll be a couple of new songs that people haven’t heard on the EPs but they’ll be on the album.
Your latest EP ‘Let It Go’, talk to me about where you get the ideas for a lot of your songs.
Well that EP really is a natural progression from the first EP ‘The Dark Of The Morning’ which was reflecting the very much solo acoustic version of me which I had been doing a lot of at open mics and stuff so when I decided to make that EP I wanted to make it like I sounded live. And then for the ‘Let It Go’ EP, I’ve been writing with a band in mind. See, I started off as a bedroom guitarist, playing along to records and making up my own stuff always with other parts in mind for other instruments. So the writing of the songs on the new EP were written with other stuff in mind. I wanted to bring it to life, and I got to do that. But there’s definitely some quieter moments, and I think with my music there’s always gonna be that, but I also want to scream and shout a bit as well so..!
With the more full band sound, have you noticed a difference playing it live in terms of the reaction it gets from a crowd?
Yeah, definitely! In a way, the crowd become this different crowd of more vibrant people ’cause they’re moving around a lot more while we’re up on stage moving around a lot more. And they’re shouting over a whole band to applaud which is cool, and lately to sing back lyrics which is still a pretty new thing and it’s amazing.
You did a lot of pretty impressive things recently, supporting Kodaline on tour for one. What you class as your biggest achievement or just moment in your career?
Yeah playing with those guys was a lot of fun. They gave me the opportunity to play in front of 14,000 people in Dublin at the O2 Arena which was an amazing feeling. And playing Brixton in London was a lot of fun, that was a big one for them and I took my band out on that tour ’cause we were the main support, so they gave me the opportunity to do that stuff. Biggest achievement or moment would probably be recording my album. Which is pretty much done. But I’m at this point where I have so many goals that I can’t really think about my biggest achievement because as soon as you achieve one, you look at it like this tiny thing that’s behind you and now you need to head for the next one.
Is there one song you’re most proud of or is that a tricky one to choose!?
I’m proud of all my songs really. I mean there’s two separate things – aside from how I feel about my songs, the only other thing I care most about is how other people feel about them, ’cause I want to make stuff that people can react to. So the response to some of the stuff I’ve put out more recently like ‘Let It Go’ and ‘Running’, they’re ones that just on Twitter and stuff I’ve seen loads of people talking about. So I’m really proud of those songs for that but I have no favourites. I suppose what I really mean by I have no favourites is kind of the opposite in that they’re all my favourites!
Apart from Barn on the Farm, where can people see you over the Summer?
More festivals! I’m gonna go to V festival which is in its two different locations so that’s gonna be fun. Then there’s T In The Park up in Glasgow which should be pretty cool, I’ve never been there before. Then I’m doing this thing called British Summertime which is a Hyde Park festival in London which has Neil Young headlining and some of my other favourite acts like Half Moon Run. So yeah, lots of cool music. Something called Beacons Festival as well, so yeah.
Busy Summer then!
Busy Summer yeah – festivals, dotting back and forth to America a little bit as well which will be fun.
Thank you so much for that interview mate.
No worries, good times!