Following the release of their latest single ‘Run’, Chasing Grace have been building a steady following as they take on an array of festival slots this Summer.
We caught up with the band after their set at Barn on the Farm…
You guys just played Barn on the Farm – how do you feel it went?
Grace: It was amazing yeah, best gig this year, hands down.
Phil P: We’ve always said how much we love Barn on the Farm and fortunately this time our expectations were exceeded. We played last year and that was our first ever festival, we played Second Stage. It’s the best festival. The problem you’re gonna find Wynona, is you won’t be able to go a year without coming back!
Talk to me a bit about the writing process of your single ‘Run’ – what was the kind of idea behind that?
Phil P: Oooh! Okay, we work for this guy called Naughty Boy and at his studio there’s a big block with four floors, and on the third floor there’s a toilet, and we were sitting outside that toilet ’cause there’s amazing acoustics. So we wanted to write a song about our lives at the time, we were about to embark on this adventure of the music industry, it was kind of the start of everything. So we basically wanted to write a song about running away and opportunity, even about love and stuff.
Grace: When we write, the good thing about being in a four piece is that you’ve got four different opinions, and four different angles to look at things. So Phil obviously saw it through what he just mentioned but I saw it through love, not through experience but just in general from experiences that could happen. So it gives it a variety for listeners to see different sides to a song.
Matt: It’s just a massive song for festivals that everyone can sing along to.
Is it hard for you guys to all come together on a song or a concept?
Phil L: We come together all the time. It’s cool ’cause we all have a different element that we bring to it. Fortunately Phil [Plested] is the best at what he does, Grace is the best at what she does, Matt too, and then I’m pretty good at what I do! It’s cool ’cause none of us really disagree.
Grace: Phil and Matt produce as well so we’ve got the whole package. We’ll be in the studio and we don’t need to figure out how to press record… not that that’s all you do!
For anyone who hasn’t heard your music before, how would you describe it?
Phil P: Alternative, folk, pop…
Grace: Pop, dance
Matt: With a little bit of Drake!
Grace: I don’t see any Drake…
Everything has a bit of Drake!
Phil L: Exactly! Nah it’s tough because obviously as musicians you don’t wanna tie yourself down to one genre, ’cause it has got all of these elements, but the main message we want to give out is just fun.
Grace: We wanna have fun writing it and we wanna have fun playing it. If we don’t, what’s the point…
What would you say is the best thing to have happened in the progression of your music in the last year?
Grace: Ellie Goulding. Our favourite part of all this is performing , so that and performing with Ellie Goulding was amazing.
Phil P: We supported Sam Smith as well. That was a highlight for me. It was in a church and it was just a mad experience.
Grace: And things like now at Barn on the Farm – we’ve played and we get to just stay the night and have fun.
Apart from Barn on the Farm, what do you guys have planned for the Summer?
Grace: We’ve got a lot of festivals. Strawberry Fields, Glass Butter Beach, we’re playing at Rock Assembly next week in Wembley Arena, Rock The Farm. And then after the Summer we are thinking of thinking and hoping to do our first UK headline tour.
Nice one. Thank you so much for that interview guys.
Phil P: Thank you!
Grace: Lovely!
Phil L: Have a great weekend!
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