What do Aphex Twin and a Dr. have in common? They both last released a studio album in 2001. Well that statement is only true if the doctor in question in one Dr Dre, and we overlook the fact that Aphex Twin’s latest album was one of the most talked about releases of 2014. Syro could be considered an experimental yet refined work of artwork bearing a neology coined by one of Aphex Twin’s sons as its title.
With its atmospheric synthesizers and use of effects, XMAS_EVET10 [120][source field mix] is reminiscent of ‘Gibbon’ from Aphex Twin’s Analogue Bubble bath 4 under the alias AFX. Unintelligible vocals add to the eerie atmosphere set by the song’s driving melodic instruments (synthesizers), which in turn is seamlessly dispelled by the percussive instruments prominent toward the end of the song.
Unintelligible vocals are heard throughout the album on songs such as produk29 [101]. This helps to create a sense of wonder and atmosphere.
Syro is an eclectic web of genres seamlessly spun together. The album combines techno; glitch, jungle, and ambient, all the while maintaining its cohesiveness through use of atmospheric synthesizers and sometimes, melancholic melodies. It’s for this reason that 180db_[120] is a slightly unexpected turn of events. It is both fast paced and progressive.
Whilst the album picks up momentum by the half way mark, it begins to come to a gradual calm by the time it reaches the last few songs. However, syro u473t8e[141.98] [piezoluminescence mix] is, and by this album’s standards, a slow song.
Syro is filled to the brim with indescribable sounds, sudden changes of melody and interesting uses of effects. All these elements combine to make the album into a very dynamic and well-worked piece of audible art.
With a grand total of 1 hour and 4 minutes under its belt, Syro is a mammoth album by today’s standards. The album was created in various recording studios using a total of some 138 pieces of equipment, all of which are listed on the albums cover artwork.