Lauren Mann and The Fairly Odd Folk are an incredibly exciting band with a brilliant debut album, Over Land and Sea, that we reviewed a few days ago. Awarded a huge 4.5/5 stars, the only way they could have achieved the full 5/5 was if the album had EVEN MORE brilliant songs on it… and we’re in luck. After touring full time for three years, the band are settling down to record a new album – and they’d love our help!
Embarking upon an IndieGoGo fundraising campaign, the lovely Lauren Mann and the gang from Alberta, Canada are hoping to raise $35,000 in order to create a brand new record, a sneak peek into a couple of new songs for which can be found here and here. (Hear that beauty? Get excited). Planned to record at The Vanguard Room with Aaron Marsh, where they recorded Over Land and Sea, the new album promises to be just as brilliant as the first and is definitely one to look forward to.
In order for that to happen though, they need our help. “Wait, $35,000, you say?” Yes, it’s a lot of money, and luckily the band’s business is as honest as their music, having laid out an entire budget breakdown on their indiegogo campaign page. With an “all or nothing” approach, if the campaign does not reach the goal before the strike of 10th December this year, then noone will be charged and the creation of the album cannot go ahead. (I know, that would suck right?)
Having been touring for the past 3 years, whilst having to eat, provide transport and all the rest of life’s joys, the band simply have no means to fund the record on their own (though from what we’ve learnt about them recently we reckon they’d probably sell their souls to get great music out, if they could) and your help would be hugely appreciated. So appreciated, in fact, that you can even earn your own rewards by giving certain amounts of money – fancy some studio cookies? A Josh Akin coffee experience? Piano lessons with Lauren Mann or cooking with Zoltan perhaps? Yes to all of the above? You know what to do.
All lightheartedness aside, this campaign is a huge opportunity for a brilliant band to grace the musical world with an album just as good, and even better, than their first. The talent in this band is ridiculous – brilliant songwriting, vocals, instrumentals, musicality, personality, captivating performance – they’ve got it all. All, but the money to create a second album.. yet!
If you can give to the campaign, please do, as little or as much as you can. If not, then please share their campaign information, or this article, via Twitter, Facebook, e-mail, word of mouth, pigeon post, song, drawing, morse code, interpretive dance…Whatever means takes your fancy would be very much appreciated.
Lauren Mann and The Fairly Odd Folk‘s IndieGoGo campaign page, and their campaign interview video, can both be found below:
And, if you missed it, Lauren Mann and the Fairly Odd Folk’s debut album, Over Land and Sea, can be downloaded for free, here:—deluxe-edition.
Please enjoy, and share!