Now we’re into week two of advent, and with 17 days left of Christmas movies to go I figure a romantic comedy is in order. Another first ever viewing for me, today’s film is none other than Love Actually. Opening with a few words on love from the master of British romantic comedies himself, Mr Hugh Grant, Love Actually gets off to a good start. That is until Bill Nighy begins singing…
Don’t let that put you off though. Although Bill Nighy’s rendition of ‘Love is All Around’ (which has cunningly been given a christmassy change to it and retitled ‘Christmas Is All Around’) is quite very awful at least he knows about it and spends most of the film on a rampage to try and get such an awful song into the Christmas number 1 slot instead of the usual annual teenage heartthrobs.
The films story is a concoction of many love stories which all piece together in one way or another before the credits roll. With a brilliant all round cast of fantastic British actors and actresses from Martin Freeman and Joanna Page playing a porn movie couple chatting about such mundane things as the weather and politics whilst in the most awkward of positions, to Liam Neeson playing a widowed father, and many more in between. It’s a shame really that Neeson doesn’t spend his time seeking revenge for the people responsible for his wifes death but he still manages to prove yet again that he is one of the greatest dad’s in the world as he tries to help his stepson with his first love.
Hugh Grant plays one of the best on screen Prime Ministers who develops a crush on his foul mouthed assistant leading to hilarious outcomes. And even Rowan Atkinson manages to pop up and annoy Alan Rickman with the longest giftwrapping in the world. The only downside to Atkinson’s involvement is that it’s not enough.
With the countdown to Christmas looming ever closer each story moves along at a wonderfully easy pace and come to beautiful conclusions on Christmas Eve. At just over two hours long it’s a bit long winded for a romantic comedy, however with the changing scenarios and characters it manages to stay fresh throughout. It’s a shame to think that I had to witness Valentine’s Day and New Years Eve over the last couple of years before I finally saw this sort of film done right with Love Actually. Everything about it oozes with happiness and love and will make you feel all warm and fluffy inside whether you want to or not. By the time the credits start rolling you’ll be wanting to rush out and find a special someone as soon as possible.
The cherry on top of this already delicious metaphorical cake of a film is the soundtrack which works wonderfully with the film. Yes, EVEN Bill Nighy’s song will start to grow on you at some point. I’ve no idea how or why, but it will.
Join me tomorrow for day 9 and if you follow me on twitter (@movie_mad) chances are you’re feed will probably be filled with my livetweets as I watch another Christmas Movie.