Review: Wyldeck – Wyldeck

A London four-piece who are taking things back to basics on their debut, self-titled EP. A dark folk twist on mellow pop and some truly amazing basslines characterise their very credible first effort and it’s clear why these guys have had some awesome live reviews.

Each member adds something to the band which makes Wyldeck different to everything else around at the moment. Channeling the current wave of simple, folksy rock that is so rife at the moment, they’ve managed to create something that is still undeniably original.

Starting with their biggest online hit Wolves, a slow and very haunting track that evokes a spooky atmosphere, they’re beginning with what they know they can do. It is very much like a lot of unsigned folk bands today are doing with a slight indie rhythm and melodic wails. However, an unexpected drum appears and the song kicks up a gear. Dark, dangerous and really intriguing, it’s an awesome opening.

The band then show us they aren’t a one-trick-pony with On Your Knees, which has an Americana summer feel to it. In short, it’s the total opposite to Wolves in terms of sound and mood. An upbeat guitar and a very catchy hook with the same ghostly vocals from before, Wyldeck are not a million miles from Lana Del Rey but with a bit more of an uplifting vibe. They have that old-fashioned tone that is so trendy right now.

The Big Blue is my favourite on the EP. A slow, beautiful pop ballad that takes on a melancholy lament, it’s a simple and frankly gorgeous piece of work. Some may argue that it is too much like a regular pop love song but it still has that sparse feeling that Wyldeck have perfected. It’s almost like the quietness holds so much and unsaid things are often the most meaningful. A soft guitar is all that is needed.

Closing on similar track Smoke, the EP closes on another simple and quirky song. The backing riff is a little repetitive for me and by this stage, the spooky howls are getting a little tiring. It’s a great indie-folk song and the introduction of the claps perfectly illustrate the scene but I do feel that they could have perhaps ended on a bit more of a high or something different to the rest of the record.

All in all, Wyldeck are a very promising band and there is no doubt that they could do well this year. They have the talent, the cool boho style and this EP proves that they could go in one of a few directions. Let’s watch this space!



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