After two years of wondering how Sherlock faked his own death, we finally get the answers… well, answers.
Arguably the only current British TV show that can be mentioned in the same breath as recent US productions like The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones, expectations for the new series of Sherlock were high.
Having to explain The Fall, reintroduce the characters and solve a new case whilst setting up a brand new nemesis all in one episode was no mean feat. Thankfully writer Mark Gatiss delivers the goods.
From the gritty Serbian capture, the hilarious restaurant farce, the Bonfire Night gone wrong and a national terrorist threat, the show gets off to a frenetic pace and does not let up.
Filmed during the making of The Hobbit, Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman have lost none of their chemistry, if anything they seem to be even closer and funnier than before. Whilst newcomer Amanda Abbington fits flawlessly into the cast as Watson’s girlfriend Mary Morstan and proves to be the perfect enabler to help the reluctant Watson back into the arms of Sherlock.
There is also more of an insight into Sherlock’s past with a humorous intellectual faceoff between Mycroft, played by Mark Gatiss, providing a brief glimpse into their childhood and a very funny, but very brief encounter of a very, very, ordinary couple.
The show wasn’t perfect; the plot does jump around somewhat as a result of explaining The Fall. This is a minor quibble, and is completely forgivable as the approach taken was both original, witty and also provided a gentle nod to the fans that have spent the last two years trying figure out how it was done.
With the first episode down, now Sherlock has ‘breathed in and felt every quiver of London’s beating heart’, once again the game is afoot!!!
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