Review: Editors – The Weight Of Your Love

Editors are back with the follow up to 2009 effort ‘In This Light And On This Evening’ with their fourth studio album ‘The Weight Of Your Love’.

After ‘In This Light And On This Evening’ and a complete change of musical direction from the guitar riffing indie anthem days of ‘Munich’ to electro ballads of ‘You Don’t Know Love’, everyone was unsure on what Tom Smith and his band were planning to do next.

First single from the new album ‘A Ton Of Love’ signalled Editors were heading back to their old days, but that was quickly stopped by the second song that was released and album opener ‘The Weight’. The new album shows a more mature side to Editors, a mix of their old and later sounds but an album that lets the incredible lyrics of Tom Smith shine through.

An album seemingly wrote on heartbreak with lyrics such as “I’m a man, holding the weight of your love, but without it my strength just isn’t enough” from album opener ‘The Weight’, the tone is set and the dark sad lyrics and story of heartbreak carries right through the album as “it breaks my heart to love you” echoes through ‘Sugar’.


The album is slowed down during ‘What Is This Thing Called Love?’, Tom Smith reaching the top of his vocal chords to create one of the most stunning pieces of music he has ever wrote. ‘Honesty’ is another song heavily fuelled on a break-up/heartbreak, “Collide into me, I could do with the fight. Collide into me, cause it feels right” again showing off the incredible talent that posseses this band and Tom’s voice sounding better than ever, his dark haunting voice with his dark heart clenching lyrics being a match made in heaven.

‘Formaldehyde’ quickens the album back up, the semi-acoustic indie anthem is a future Editors classic and typically lyrically strong.

The days of the guitar riffing albums may have passed Editors, but they have always been recognised on their lyrics from their earlier tracks such as ‘Smokers Outside The Hospital Doors’ and ‘When Anger Shows’. ‘The Weight Of Your Love’ is one of, if not the best lyrical album of 2013 and most definitely Editors most creative and heart clenching album to date.

‘The Weight Of Your Love’ is released on July 1st.

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