Back in October 2014 a young lady dropped her first ever track “Ghost”.
Normally debuts are shouted from the roof tops for all to hear but not this time! Keeping things locked away like a secret garden, the location was bubble wrapped right up until a few hours before. Location revealed as The Dalston Boys Club I was pretty much clueless. No official website and just a handful of images of the inside, this show had special written all over it.
Stepping foot into what could be passed off as your grandma’s attic the venue was filled with Trinkets, vintage furnishings, old paintings and candlesticks. Presented with a ready made Aladdin’s cave, complete with a very large rug at one end (where all the magic was about to happen) Espa really was Jasmine.
The set consisted of six songs, one of which a stunning cover of 90s jam fill me in by Craig David, bringing out her inner fan girl. While all the tracks were essentially new material, the genie granted an exclusive unheard track into the mix, said to be taken from her next EP LG60. The small budget meant her New York producers couldn’t stretch to them performing “Rodney” together but it’s only a matter of time Totally at home on stage, unknown until her final track she was fulfilling her one of her dreams seeing Thunder Cats play here four years previous. This girl is dusting her way through the cobwebs and will set to shine like a new penny.
Dust up on your knowledge, LG60 is about drop and this track is set to be the lead.