Following the release of her debut EP, as well as some impressive live slots over recent months, Naomi Scott is set to release her new single ‘Motions’ very soon.
We caught up with Naomi to chat about her music goals and her journey of acting.
Your debut EP ‘Invisible Division’ was released back in August – how have you found the response to that?
Really positive, it’s been cool the response from places that I didn’t expect it to reach. That’s the way music is nowadays, which is cool and there are still people hearing it for the first time. I like that it’s not necessarily what people expect from me, that’s always a great thing to learn.
What was the writing process for that EP like, or how do you go about writing new material in general?
I actually start by arranging the track on GarageBand! I use my voice, tapping on things to layer and layer until I have an idea, and then I write to it, take it to the boys (the confect) and we basically transfer that to Logic and create the full track. Sometimes I write a song on the piano, for example ‘Say Nothing’ was written on the piano. So it varies.
The new single ‘Motions’ is out very soon, such a good track, what was the inspiration behind that track?
Thank you! I’m glad you like it! Well funnily enough this was the only one that didn’t stem from a song I’d already written. The boys were playing around with this track and I really liked the sound of it. So we wrote to it, not even thinking it was for the EP. Then my husband heard it and loved it and said it should be on the EP, people that listened to it had such a good reaction to it that we were just like, ok let’s do it.
You used to do acting, from musicals to Disney Channel shows, how did the progression from that to music happen? Or was music always the plan?
Well I actually still do acting, I’ve got a film coming out next year called ‘The 33′, which is about the Chilean miners that got stuck, I play one of the miners’ daughter, played by Antonio Banderas, and it was amazing working with such great actors. I also am going to film in Budapest for a film called ‘The Martian’, directed by Ridley Scott, which i’m really excited about. Both are a big part of me, music has always been there and I love to do both, I hope I can continue in both lanes!
Is there a defining moment in the early days of your career where you remember everything starting to happen?
Actually not really, only because, I feel like I’m always journeying, i feel like success for me, is just putting out the best music I can and acting to the best of my ability, so my goals are ever changing and evolving. I definitely don’t feel I’ve arrived.
You supported Delilah recently enough and also performed at Reverb Live – how were they?
I supported her at The Union Chapel, it was a great experience and was like being thrown in the deep end as far as performance goes, because it was my first performance with a band, but that’s why I loved it, it prepared me for other shows that were to come. And I think she’s fantastic as well.
What’s the rough plan for the near future in terms of your music? Biggest goal for the next 12 months?
I’m in the process of recording some more music, with some great producers, so hopefully that will lead to another project, but we will see! I want to keep making better and better music, that’s my daily goal, and wherever that takes me….so be it.