I’ve noticed this up and coming clothing label being talked about on Twitter on Facebook among bands and fans alike.
Dubbing themselves “A timeless smart brand with unique and minimalist designs” I had a chat with Bad Giraffe’s founder Matthew Mulholland about how it all started and what we are going to expect from Bad Giraffe in the future.
How did Bad Giraffe start?
Bad Giraffe started back in the summer of 2010, I Started the company while working 2 part time jobs & full time university degree. (Probably wasn’t the best choice).
I Had always had a passion for creating things, I had my first entrepreneur encounter when I was around 13 I used to paint them finger skateboards with custom designs for all the kids at the skate park (It would be like there favorite custom board). And I would then put that profit back into buying more blank boards. It was my passion to create things from an early age that triggered me to start BG.
I had always wanted to work for myself and create something to fight for, Im passionate about art from as early as I can remember & actually took fine art for my degree, but I wanted something I could really be passionate about.
The Idea came from the fact I would never be able to find something in the high street stores or online that I really loved, Either it was generic or too expensive. I mean not everyone wants a skull and cross bone on a T-shirt. So I thought that I could create a brand which targets people like me. I started with £150 of my own money & haven’t put a penny more in, Ive built up the brand through hours of hard work, If I couldn’t afford a website Id learn to create one myself. Everything is done by myself, from the designs, photographs, website, marketing etc so it really gives me a reason to keep it going, its something I’ve grown from the ground up & is me.
You’ve got a really unique style, simplistic style, what inspired it?
Thanks, I think our style is very minimalist & unique, I personally am not a fan of bright colours and wild graphics splattered on a T-shirt, making things clean and classic is what we try and aim for.
We are inspired by other brands not from the clothing world but brands like apple where each component is thought out from the look of the machine to the tactile feel of the packaging, we are trying to create a bit of an experience for the consumer so they appreciate the amount of effort we put into our products.]
Which piece are you most proud of out of the latest range?
Thats quite a hard one, Im quite proud of the baseball T-shirt for its clean look, but am most proud of our varsity jackets as they were a real step up for us as a brand.
If Bad Giraffe had the chance to collaborate with any celebrity/band who would you choose?
We have actually been worn by a few artists, including the likes of Red Jumpsuit apparatus, Lawson, The Dangerous summer. Which are some cool bands to see in our gear.
I think the ultimate celebrity would be someone like, David Beckham or Ashton Kutcher they have the ability to change peoples lives by just wearing an item of clothing, So of course I would want one of them to.
Ultimate band would be Blink-182, I mean its Blink-182!!!
I see Bad Giraffe is branching out to other kind of accessories, what can we expect to see?
Yeah we sure are, I’m a big fan of accessories as they are slightly different to clothes in the way they can range. Right now we have iPhone cases, Backpacks, caps , beanies etc.
But the new line is stepping it up a gear and creating a premium side of the brand with our 100% wool and genuine leather iPad case as just one of the new items arriving soon.
What is the plan for the future for Bad Giraffe?
The plan is to continue to create what we would like to wear, and hope that people stick around to see what’s in store for us as a company as we continue to grow.
Anything else you would like to add?
If your interested in the brand be sure to checkout our social networking sites and keep involved with what we have going on.
Follow Bad Giraffe Clothing
Facebook: www.facebook.com/badgiraffeclothing
Twitter: Bad_Giraffe
Instagram: Badgiraffeclothing