Interview: Andreas Moe – “It’s one of my dreams to bring my music abroad”

Having recently released his brand new EP ‘Ocean’, Swedish singer/songwriter Andreas Moe is building his fanbase quite steadily, and has recently announced a support slot on tour with Lewis Watson.

We were lucky enough to premiere his track ‘Tangled Vine’ last week, so we thought we’d catch up with Andreas himself to discuss where he’s currently at and where he sees his music in the near future…

You just released your new EP, ‘Ocean’, are you happy with the response so far?

Very happy! I’m taking this slowly and trying to build it in the right way. Step by step and fan by fan. And so far the people listening to my music seem to really like it, and that means alot.

Where do the ideas for your songs come from?

It’s so different from song to song. I’ve never had the skill to just sit down and write a song for my project. It takes time and timing. It often starts with me just randomly playing something on the guitar that I really like and then I take it from there. Maybe that guitar part makes me feel something, or maybe I’m going through something at that time, that maybe gives me a title or a concept for a song. I also love to co-write lyrics with people I know that I can write with. We share stories and ideas, and it’s more of a conversation turning into a lyric than a serious song writing session. 

You’ve worked with Avicci a bit – how did that come about at first?

I wanted to sing on one of his releases called ‘Fade Into Darkness’. I said yes and I’m grateful that I did because it’s been a very helpful tool to use in building me as a solo artist.

Have you got any plans to do some live dates in support of the EP?

Absolutely! I’m doing a UK support tour with Lewis Watson late September to mid October. I’m also doing a few shows in Sweden and a festival in Germany called the Reeperbahn festival – should be amazing.

Obviously, coming from Sweden, you gained a following there first. How did you find it breaking into the UK and International music scene?

Its one of my dreams to bring my music abroad. Especially the UK because I’ve always felt that it belongs and fits there. Now having my music played in the UK and being able to play those beautiful venues it’s a dream coming true! 

Looking ahead a bit… if you could play one venue anywhere, where would it be and why?

I’d love to perform at the Red Rocks in Colorado. It’s one of the most beautiful venues there is. That would be insane. 

Following the release of the EP, what plans have you got for the rest of the Summer? Any festivals planned or are you just focusing on getting the EP out there to as many people as possible?

Well I think at this point it’s all about putting me and my music on peoples’ radar. I’m going to play live and release more music. But I’m going to be very careful and take it slowly to make sure I’m doing this the right way.


Check out Andreas Moe’s ‘Tangled Vine’ below:

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Download ‘Ocean’ EP right HERE.

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