Weirdest Reasons For Divorce

Divorce has become somewhat of a banality in modern times, Far removed from its regal beginnings. These days divorce is so common that the ONS released figures stating that in 2012 there were 13 divorces an hour in the UK.

Most would agree that in the modernized world the sacrosanct status of marriage is all but lost, couples tend to be more attracted to the tax advantages than the lifelong sacred bond which means that the staggering rate of divorce is almost unsurprising. The common legal cases for divorce are well a well-trodden path, however – these reasons for divorce seem more than a little bit strange.

The baby is too ugly

A man in China won a $120,000 law suit against his wife after she bore him an ugly baby. Apparently he was unaware that his spouse had had a little surgical help with her looks, and wasn’t prepared to deal with ugly children. Either her surgeon was very good, or he was a little stupid – or it could be that the child looked like him and he couldn’t handle the truth.

She stood you up online

The internet is the modern day’s biggest challenge to married couples, from posting the wrong thing on social media to fraternising with the wrong people on chats it is a minefield for relationship issues. One couple enjoyed playing virtual reality games like World of Warcraft so much that after the wife didn’t show up for a virtual date, the husband filed for divorce. It later turned out that the husband had had an affair with another character in the game, so maybe it was best that they part ways.

A breach of privacy

A couple from Saudi Arabia had been married for thirty years, but had never seen his wife’s face uncovered by her veil. One night he decided he wanted to know what she looked like, and lifted aside her veil to take a look. She woke up, and was so furious that she filed for divorce.

Cleanliness is next to Loneliness

A woman ended her marriage of fifteen years because she husband had an obsession with cleaning, and she couldn’t put up with it any more. This may sound like a trifling issue, but this man was so obsessive that he once knocked down a wall because it wasn’t clean enough for him.

Parrot phrasing

So you come home from work, and your pet bird starts saying some strange things, namely – ‘divorce,’ ‘I love you,’ and ‘patience.’ It didn’t take a Chinese wife too long to work out that her husband was having an affair, so she got in there first in filing for divorce.

It’s possible that these people should never have been married in the first place – but these are definitely the weirdest reasons for divorce that we’ve heard in a while.

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