Review: This is 40

What to say about this film, is it like every other comedy we see coming out of America? Yes. Is it funny? Hilarious. Is it a family film? Yes. It does have swearing and nudity in it so maybe keep the younger kids at home for this one.

Like I said it’s a family film, and by that I mean it as the director Judd Apatow literally has real family in the film; Leslie Mann (Debbie) and both daughters Maude and Iris. This could of made it worse to have the whole family in the film but it really made the film even better, the sisters have the sister chemistry and shout at each other like sisters do, and they do it really well. The sisters are funny, yet sweet and there seemed to be no boundaries of Leslie and Judd telling there daughters to calm down, they went for it and it really shows on film.

The casts includes Paul Rudd  (Pete) who we all know from FRIENDS and I Love You Man, which he also starred, Jason Segel (Forgetting Sarah Marshal and How I Met Your Mother) as a personal trainer/life coach too Debbie (Leslie Mann) and is very funny given the small cameo parts he plays in the film.  Megan Fox plays Desi, designer by day, escort by night who causes Debbie (Leslie Mann) to realise that youth isn’t everything; her family is. There are a lot of cameo appearances to be honest and if I talked about them all I’d be here for ages so I’ll let you just watch and be like “ok cool that was really good, that was a funny scene” etc (but do look out for IT Crowd’s Chris O’Dowd).

So how do I sum up the storyline and then film itself? Debbie (Leslie Mann) runs a clothing store and is turning 40, but she keeps telling people that she’s 38 (which sets up some hilarious confusing moments). Pete (Paul Rudd) is also turning 40, runs a small indie record label that isn’t doing well at all. We follow these two as they deal with finacial pressures, their two kids that need a lot of attention, keeping their sex life alive, trying to fix their longterm parental issues and dealing with the fact they are growing older.

This is definitely a worth while uplifting film, perfect for this time of the year. The film is a little long, but if it was shorter then it wouldn’t of done the job or told the story properly. The film doesn’t seem as long as it is and I could of watched it for longer, it was laughs and one liners all the way through.


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