Review: The Sacrament

Written and directed by Ti West and produced by Eli Roth, is the story of two journalists documenting their friends’ visit to his sister’s commune.

Set in the isolated religious commune Eden Parish, two film makers document their fashion photographer friend’s reunion with his sister after she completed her rehab treatment. From their tense arrival, meeting the seemingly brainwashed inhabitants to confronting their insidious leader called ‘Father’, things aren’t as rosy in the Garden of Eden as it seems.

AJ Bowen puts in an excellent performance as lead journalist Sam, who tries to be impartial during the filming of the documentary but the commune gradually begins to reinforce his initial scepticism. Co-star Joe Swanberg delivers the goods in his supporting role as Jake who is more sceptical and is often the voice of reason as events unfold. Amy Seimetz is terrific as the fanatical sister Caroline as is Donna Biscoe as Nurse Wendy who delivers both sides to her role splendidly.

When a film is centered on a mysterious character, if that character is revealed then the success of that film rests solely on whether that character lives up to that mystery. Gene Jones lives up to the mysterious ‘Father’. Like with all cults where weak willed people submit to strong willed and charismatic personality, Jones is wonderfully believable as a man a cult would be centred around. Like most cults who blend hard truths with their own delusions the Eden Parish shows this strange and secretive world relatively realistically.

Like previous Ti West films, The Sacrament is a slow burn. With the screw gradually being turned, from the oppressive tannoy announcements, the drone like inhabitants and the insidious interview with ‘Father’, the film builds up to its inevitable crescendo with satisfying results.

A well-made film, intelligently handling a subject which in other hands could have been laughable. It executes all the fundamentals well and manages to deliver a satisfying climax.

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