New electronic trio, Patawawa blends beats to pump blood with glittered guitar riffs and basslines that bite.
The three-piece have crafted a sound that stays true to the neon roots of funk and disco, but dress it with a cheekyness that could only have come out of Derbyshire. With a string of big plans to make waves in the industry, fans of Patawawa would do well to prick up their ears and prepare for wonderment.
Their new single ‘Fratchy‘ is a playfully soft breath of indie-funk, a reduction from the usually boisterous nature of electronic music. Its foundations are undeniably tongue-in-cheek with a nimble guitar riff and carefully planted piano chords. Within all of this the listener is exposed to a recount of romantic tension – an undoubtedly familiar tale of miscommunication; the underlying frustration of the lyrics reflected in the boy meets girl harmonies.
Patawawa’s first E.P ‘Charming’ came out on May 25th this year.
Check our their new single, Fratchy here:
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