Home music studio planning for beginners

If you want to live your dream and make your own music in your own studio, you should aim to work out how can you make it work without spending extortionate amounts of money. Well, simply put, you can do this if you plan carefully: for example, you can set up your own home music studio for far less than you might have thought. By doing so, you can get quality sound and recording and eventually adapt what you have, technically speaking, for the kind of music you want to hear.

Get comfy

Make your studio work for you – furnish it with comfortable chairs to help with the long hours you are likely to spend in there and classy champagne flutes so that you enjoy your chances to relax. Then gather the technical equipment you need to accomplish your musical work. Here are some basics to start with.

  • Computer: This is a big ask in terms of money, but if you have one anyway, just use it. You can download software that will get you started with electronic music, and you can add to your digital experience by learning all the time. Be sure to upgrade when you can, and the digital world will open up further.


  • DAW: A Digital Audio Workstation is the software you need to record, edit and mix music on your computer. You must not stint on this; go for quality at this stage so that you will have an excellent tool with which to develop your musical ideas. Start at entry level and then work through what this software can do for you, and when you’re ready to upgrade, you’ll find additional tools to help you refine and add to the tools you’ve already worked on and understood.


  • Microphone: Make your first mic a good one. You will want to translate the sound from a voice or instrument as best you can, so don’t bother with a cheap version. Yes, it’s an additional expense, but well worth it in terms of the quality of sound you will produce and the mix you will achieve.


  • Headphones: You need to be able to hear your music clearly and without interference, so make sure your headphones are fit for purpose. You can go for closed back headphones that give you optimal isolation for good sound quality. Alternatively, you can go for open back headphones, which are ideal for mixing.


  • Monitors: Some people don’t want monitors, but they are important if you want to get a more neutral and uncolored sound so that you can objectively judge your mix. Headphones are fine, but sometimes you need to hear the bigger sound in order to determine what works best for you. Monitors can give you this.

Be comfortable

Make your recording space comfortable. Make sure you have a place to sit, play and write. Loop some artists that you like for inspiration. Making music is hard work, but it has so many upsides as well. Develop your own music studio and get set for a whole new artistic life.

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