No Time To Die – Official Trailer 2
Bond is back, and he’s ready to kick ass and look good doing it in this brand-new trailer for No Time To Die. A brand-new trailer for Bond’s next outing….
Bond is back, and he’s ready to kick ass and look good doing it in this brand-new trailer for No Time To Die. A brand-new trailer for Bond’s next outing….
“Visually, Tenet is dynamic and stunning. The film is littered with high-stakes set-pieces, and Nolan’s technical know-how is fully on show in these moments, expertly guiding us through intense and explosive sequences.” ….
Greener Grass sets its tone early. You quickly come to terms with characters making bizarre decisions and accepting absurd situations as normal. They move on, and so do we, because….
With his directorial debut Mid90s, Jonah Hill returns to the coming of age film, the genre that propelled him into the eyes of Hollywood in the 2007 comedy Superbad. Similarities….
“To make a great film you need three things – the script, the script and the script” – Alfred Hitchcock The screenwriter tends to be a certain breed of individual,….
Many people are aware of the successful producer and director, Matthew Vaughn. This man has a lot going for him, including producing the crime comedy Lock, Stock and Two Smoking….
With Valentine’s day just next month a lot of women have set their hearts to seeing fifty shades of grey. The film is sure to sell out as it has….
See the official trailer for the Jimi Hendrix biopic, starring Outkast’s Andre 3000. Put on your bandana and tighten up your whammy bar, because the trailer for the greatly anticipated….
Yorkshire five piece Embrace will release their first album in 8 years, the self-titled ‘Embrace’, on the 28th April. But in support of that, the band will be screening a….
After many discussions with various people about 3D cinema I’ve began to question whether; 1) it is worth the extra money to see the film; 2) if there is really….