Deciding to go it alone in 2021, Oxford-based multi-instrumentalist he didnt, has released his experimental doom-laden EP Detour, earth.
Having played in a number of bands over the years, he didnt emerged from the ashes of a previous band who’s creative outlook was veering in a different direction. Eager to experiment with sounds and instrumentation, he didnt trod a path more akin to the likes of Earth and Sunn O))).
Sonically impressive, Detour, earth takes the listener on a bleak, ominous journey. Opening with the title track, emerging from the shadows like scene from Nosferatu, the EP kicks off in a gloriously downbeat manner. With psychedelic style vocals and atmospheric, coating guitars he didnt sets his stall from the opening chord.
‘Make Right’, which he didnt has released as a video, steps into Noise Rock territory, as the dream-like repetitive vocals transfix your ears throughout. SLSVRS is the single release taken from the EP and is a magnificent five minutes of doom, as he didnt laments the surroundings humanity finds its self in.
Detour, earth is a challengingly satisfying collection of songs. It certainly won’t be for everyone (the lack of Spotify access is testament to this) but for those who love to explore the darker recesses of the music world, this will hit the right (downbeat) note.
SLSVRS is out now and is taken from thee Detour, earth EP.