So as 2013 presses on, it’s evident that Hollywood is still eager as ever to impress film goers by giving them what they want – more action, more explosions, more… giant monsters? Well, it’s certainly what I wanted when I first glimpsed the trailer for Guillermo del Toro’s new entry into this year’s summer blockbuster line up.
If you, like me are a fan of the subtlety often displayed in del Toro’s work, you’ll be disappointed to know that Pacific Rim isn’t quite like Pans Labyrinth or even Hell Boy for that matter. However while the film may lack substance in terms of character development, it certainly possesses no shortage of excitement with its depiction of mankind’s struggle against the kaiju (a race of amphibious monsters) using big (and I mean really big) robots, referred to as jaegers. The film is essentially what I assume would happen if Godzilla and Power Rangers had a baby, with Transformers playing the role of godfather. Set in the year 2020, the film begins as the world currently faces a threat not from the stars, but from the depths of the Pacific. With the kaiju causing immeasurable devastation to the world’s major cities, it is up to Raleigh Becket (played by Charlie Hunnam) and Mako Mori (played by Rinko Kikuchi) to be Earth’s final defense. While under the strict guidance of their stern commanding officer Stacker Pentecost (Idris Elba).
Yes ladies and gentlemen, this is a sci-fi flick which does not disappoint in the action department whatsoever. Incredibly detailed creatures thrown through buildings, fights between colossal beings, a distraught and despondent population coming to terms with impending doom. Oh and a ship being used as a weapon. Awesome.
Now for the question of 2D or 3D viewing. While the film wasn’t shot in 3D originally, the post production conversion merits a mention. Yes I did somewhat feel like a poor man’s Clark Kent with the glasses on, but it was worth it. Watching in 2D however, will in no way shape or form detract from your enjoyment of this visual spectacle. Any film that allows me to revisit my childhood and use the word “cool” all the way through gets a thumbs up from me. Even if the plot may have been a little flat like T-Pain without auto tune.
Watch the trailer: