Some Christmas parties are a step above others; they can be more than fine wine and good food. When your company’s Christmas parties are networking events in their own right, then you need to make a splash.
Not only do you need to look glamorous, you also need to know your stuff. Big corporate events during the Christmas season are the perfect opportunity to work and party, so follow this guide and make the most of the opportunity:
- Know Who’s There
The first thing that you should do upon being invited is to learn who else is going. The more you know about the guests, the better you will be able to prepare. This is not just important for networking with those outside of your company, but those within it as well. Knowing who is who will help you better prioritise your meetings and help you draft talking points.
- Know Your Stuff
You should not only research what others are doing but have a list of what you and your company are doing as well. Networking never stops, after all, and the more prepared and the better you know key industry insights, the better.
- Dress to Impress
When you dress to impress you don’t just do it so that you can look good, you do it so that you can convey how professional, able, and successful you are. A great outfit can make you the star of the show, no matter who you are, and no outfit is complete without accessories. Visit Lowndes London to pick up some striking and professional jewellery that will complete any outfit, and curate a wardrobe that’s both glamorous and professional.
- Strike the Right Balance
As great as preparing who is who and what to say, you need to remember that you still need to strike a balance. This balance is between being merry and being professional. People still want to have fun when they go to a Christmas party, so mastering the balance between fun and business is key.
- Tips for Mingling
When you first arrive, it can be quite intimidating. Typically, you will want to drift towards those you know, simply out of familiarity. Try to resist this temptation and instead mingle with those who you don’t know too. You are at the same event, so there are easy talking points to choose from. If you are nervous to talk to people, try to introduce yourself to someone else who is either alone or join a group that has a few people you know. The key is to meet new people!
Whether you are networking at a big Christmas event for the industry, at your company’s interpersonal Christmas party, or anywhere else in life, you need to remember to be genuine. Doing your research and knowing what a person does and what contributions they have made is a great start, but not so that you can know what they can do for you. To make a great impression, find out what you can offer them, first. Great networking is building a relationship. Do that by being genuine, by being informed, and by being helpful.