“Fairchild” took Sebright Arms by storm with the very capable help of “SHEIKH”. Moments before the first act started, the main bar in the Sebright Arms was full of eager customers. The room suddenly emptied and a queue stretching up the stairs formed to gain entry to the venue. The room quickly filled with spectators, as if “SHEIKH” stepping foot onto the stage conjured up a miraculously crowd.
“SHEIKH” set the scene brilliantly for “Fairchild” to enter to stage. They welcomed the predominantly Australian crowd to their first UK show and introduced themselves before treating them to their outstanding performance. They had recently returned from recording brand new songs (only previously played in their warm-up show in China) which they started the show with. Despite being unknown the crowd soaked up the feelings from the songs and were quickly hooked on their catchy riffs.
“Fairchild” got the room tapping their feet and swaying to the electric atmosphere created. They attracted the audience’s attention with their new opening songs before relaxing into their more familiar songs which catapulted them into a sense of euphoria. The room was very relaxed and all in sync with the band performing on stage. There was no divide between “Fairchild” and their fans as they interacted and responded to them.
“Fairchild” have recently moved from Australia to Manchester so keep your eyes peeled for their music and shows as they are not to be missed.